Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Multiple Object Project

______________________________________________________  Multiple Object Project
            For our multiple object project, my partner and I decided to use cheap, shiny bows as our ‘multiple objects’. We tried to make each bow different in its own way by adding details such as jewels and ribbons to the tops of them.  In this way, although they all looked similar, they each had their own unique little twists.
______________________________________________________  Performance Analysis
            For our performance, we chose to act out a scene with a typical ‘beauty queen’ and her interviewer. We decorated a trashy gown with shiny bows to symbolize outer beauty without inner beauty. We carried out our performance in a fake manner to show other people that although there are a lot of so-called ‘beautiful’ girls in the world today, they only care about their appearance. Just as the shiny bows on the dress are beautiful on the outside but lack substance, so the beautiful girls are pretty on the outside but shallow on the inside. Their beauty is literally skin-deep.
Theresa’s Performance
            I really enjoyed Theresa and her partners’ performance. The reason is because their performance was very thought-provoking. They made a powerful point and using a strong contrast.  Their performance started out with two tables next to each other, and a different girl sitting behind each table. The first table had a single tea bag and a single chip on it. The other table had several tea bags and several chips on it. I think they were trying to show us that the girl who had one tea bag and one chip was jealous of the girl who had more than her. But, at the same time, the girl who had more than the other one looked carelessly at her items because she had a lot of them. In other aspects of life, people are just like this. If a thing is not unique or special, people don’t give it much thought or even care about it. Possessions easily lose their value in the eyes of their owners.
Zac & Jacob’s Performance
            Another performance that I really enjoyed was Zac and Jacob’s. During their performance, they took off all of their clothing except for their underwear. They then asked us to write down anything we wanted to say, using a piece of white paper and pen that they gave us. When we finished writing, they took the pieces of paper and stuck them all over their bodies and foreheads. Their performance gave me a feeling of oneness with the earth. The reason I felt this was because by using pure, white paper without any clothes on their bodies, Zac and Jacob reminded us that we all return to nature. We are organic beings, and we return to the earth where we originated from.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Solo Project

This week we were doing our solo project. All of us had to do a one to three minute action with our beautiful object and ugly object. I found out that people showed their actions quite differently. Some people wrote a poem, told us a story, and even gave us a short performance. For me I performed a short performance to show other people what beauty is and what ugly is for me.



-dirty bag

-winter coat/scarf

-necklace holder

What to do:

-Put on your coat & scarf.

-Pretend that it is a raining day

-Suddenly, take off your coat & scarf

-Pretend to open a shop door.

-Quickly place the necklace & holder on the desk.

-Looking sullen, pretend to notice the necklace. Pick it up, play with it.

-‘Accidentally’ kick the plastic bag on the floor

-Put on the necklace and be joyful!

-Pretend to buy it.

-Pretend to walk into the sun. (happily)


portrayed beauty in this way to show that something that may me insignificant to others, can make another person feel beautiful. beauty is a moment that brightens your day.

I  showed ugliness this way to draw attention to things often neglected. Because of the way we treat things or people, they lose their value and we forget that they ere once beautiful.  Ugliness is neglected beauty.


I liked Leah's performance. She used ugly object, a lollipop holder, as a decoration on a clown's mask. She then gave us an interesting magic show using that mask.  in my opinion, she portrayed the clown mask as ugly because it was so gaudy and typical. This was powerful to me. For her beautiful object a flower ring, she used it as an auction. This moved me because it showed that things increase in value as they age... I liked her performance because it was amusing. Besides, her performance was really smooth and succinct.

For Noushin's performance, I liked her idea very much. At first she poured the tea into an empty, shiny glass cup. While this in itself was beautiful, she  continued onto her next step, which was very unique. She started to patch up another broken glass cup. After that, she poured the tea into it. Even though the broken glass cup was ugly, after she patched it up  it became a beautiful thing......