Thursday, November 25, 2010

Transformational Verbs

Four Fabulous Ways to Get a Group’s Attention!

#1:  Be excited yourself! If you are excited about what you are doing or talking about, people will naturally follow your example. It is a well-known fact that people want what other people have, so spread your enthusiasm!

#2:  Get each individual in your group involved in what you are doing. Give each person a job, a duty or a task that will make them feel important and that other people are relying on them. This will perk up their attitude and make them pay closer attention.

#3:   Switch your topic, even if it is just for a few minutes. If you feel like your group is feeling lethargic, surprise them by introducing something completely different than the subject you had been previously talking about.

#4:  Get on the same level as your group. Tell a personal story or example relating to your subject. If they are feeling nervous about speaking up or participating, encourage them by telling them about a time when you felt the same way and how you overcame it. Or, if they think the task you are doing together doesn’t make sense, explain it clearly again to make sure everyone can fully enjoy the experience. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Multiple Objects Performance Art Reflects Life

   The "Multiple Clothing" performance by Steven Willats, the "Multiple Objects" performance by myself and my partner Andy, as well as the action painting performance by Elsa & Bella, has given me a new perspective on how I view art and life as a whole.

   Stephen Willats is a artist and master in the performance art field. His piece "Multiple Clothing 1965-98" centers on the ways in which people encounter and view one another. This piece is a strategy to explore the very fabric of society, with clothing being a basic externalisation of the self. His work inspires us to put aside the typical societal barriers and see one another for who they are on the inside. My performance piece "Multiple Objects" was designed to change the way people look at objects and others in their lives. When people are raised from infancy to appreciate things that are only externally beautiful, they lose their natural ability to independently decide for themselves what is or is not worthy of their attention. By ridding themselves of the judgemental labelling system they use to pre-judge others, they are able to see things around them with much more clarity.  The action painting performance by Elsa & Bella  follows through on this same theme of seeing things for their uniqueness. Elsa & Bella invokes feelings of mystery and curiosity among us. They do their performance by emotion, not by logic with what seems like random. As they continue, their painting starts to look ugly, but they adds a few more touches to it, pulling it into something unexpectedly beautiful. I believe that They are trying to show us that simple things also can create something magical.

   All three performance pieces focus on one central thing, which is that people must look beyond what meets the eye if they truly want to experience living. Multiple objects performance art reflects human life in an uncannily realistic way. Just as words, changing views and layers of paint add uniqueness and depth to performance art, so too can they add uniqueness and depth to human life. All too often people fail to see the beauty that is truly around them and this has to change now...